Finishing techniques
Patina is a term to describe the appearence that the furniture will turn thru the years. this surface is altered by U.V. rays wich gradually transforms the wood's original colour and matures it. Proof of ancient origin, patinas will sometimes accentuate.
All of our finishes are realized in a traditional manner with home-made stains with the purpose of reproducing patina and develop an aged look. We apply the antique finish of your choice thru a large range of possibilities. Our antique reproductions are in the old days. The stains, milk paint, and origin varnishes are reproduce the same way the pioneers did in the old days.
Consequently, it is almost possible to trick an antiques connaisseur.
We work by order only; You are therefore assured to obtain a unique pieces of furniture. Moreover, for those who are interested in learning finishing techniques, the traditional products are available and practiced in the course of a seminar.

Publisher about our seminar.     To download the document click here
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panflet publicitaire sur le séminaire.
Cours de finition à l'ancienne.
Courses available for artisans and handymen of all ages.
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